Hello, concurrency!

Let's make printing "Hello, world!" a little more exciting by performing work concurrently. We'll start with creating the file hello.inko with the following contents:

import std.process (sleep)
import std.stdio (Stdout)
import std.time (Duration)

type async Printer {
  fn async print(message: String) {
    let _ = Stdout.new.print(message)

type async Main {
  fn async main {

This program prints "Hello" and "world" concurrently to the terminal, then waits 500 milliseconds for this to complete.

To showcase this, run the program several times as follows:

inko run hello.inko

The output may change slightly between runs: sometimes it will print "Hello" and "world" on separate lines, other times it may print "Helloworld", "worldHello" or "world" and "Hello" on separate lines.


Inko uses "lightweight processes" for concurrency. Such processes are defined using the syntax type async, such as type async Printer { ... } in our program.

We create instances of these processes using the syntax Printer(). For such a process to do anything, we must send it a message. In our program we do this using print(...), where "print" is the message, defined using the fn async syntax. The details of how this works, what to keep in mind, etc, are covered separately.

The sleep(...) line is needed such that the main process (defined using type async Main) doesn't stop before the Printer processes print the messages to the terminal.

Futures and Promises

Instead of waiting for a fixed 500 milliseconds, we can change the program to stop right away when the output is produced. We achieve this by changing the program to the following:

import std.stdio (Stdout)
import std.sync (Future, Promise)

type async Printer {
  fn async print(message: String, output: uni Promise[Nil]) {
    let _ = Stdout.new.print(message)


type async Main {
  fn async main {
    let future1 = match Future.new {
      case (future, promise) -> {
        Printer().print('Hello', promise)
    let future2 = match Future.new {
      case (future, promise) -> {
        Printer().print('world', promise)


Future and Promise are types used for waiting for and resolving values concurrently. A Future is a proxy for a value to be computed in the future, while a Promise is used to assign a value to a Future.

In the above example, a Promise is passed along with the Printer.print message, which is assigned to nil. The Main process in turn waits for this to complete by calling Future.get on the two Future values. The result is that the Main process doesn't stop until the Printer processes finished their work.

The Future and Promise types are useful if a parent process wants to wait for some result produced by a child process, without knowing what that parent process is.

An example of this is a library function that wishes to perform computations in parallel. The function doesn't know what processes it will be called from, meaning any child processes can't communicate their results back to the parent using messages. Using the Future and Promise types we can achieve this.


Inko also provides a Channel type in the std.sync module, acting is an unbounded multiple publisher, multiple subscriber channel. This type is useful when M jobs need to be performed by N processes, where M > N. While sending messages is certainly possible, it may result in an uneven workload across the processes, but by using std.sync.Channel the workload is balanced automatically.

We can rewrite the example from earlier using Channel as follows:

import std.stdio (Stdout)
import std.sync (Channel)

type async Printer {
  fn async print(message: String, output: uni Channel[Nil]) {
    let _ = Stdout.new.print(message)


type async Main {
  fn async main {
    let chan = Channel.new

    Printer().print('Hello', recover chan.clone)
    Printer().print('world', recover chan.clone)
