
Classes are used for storing state used by methods. One such class we've seen many times so far is the Main class, which defines the main process to run.

Classes are defined using the class keyword like so:

class Person {


Here Person is the name of the class.


Fields are defined using the let keyword in a class body:

class Person {
  let @name: String
  let @age: Int

Here we've defined two fields: name of type String, and age of type Int. The @ symbol isn't part of the name, it's just used to disambiguate the syntax when referring to fields. Using fields uses the same syntax:

class Person {
  let @name: String
  let @age: Int

  fn name -> String {

Here the name method just returns the value of the @name field.

The type fields are exposed as depends on the kind of method the field is used in. If a method is immutable, the field type is ref T. If the method is mutable, the type of a field is instead mut T, unless it's defined as a ref T:

class Person {
  let @name: String
  let @grades: ref Array[Int]
  let @friends: Array[ref Person]

  fn foo {
    @name    # => String
    @grades  # => ref Array[Int]
    @friends # => ref Array[ref Person]

  fn mut foo {
    @name    # => String
    @grades  # => ref Array[Int]
    @friends # => mut Array[ref Person]

  fn move foo {
    @name    # => String
    @grades  # => ref Array[Int]
    @friends # => Array[ref Person]

If a method takes ownership of its receiver, you can move fields out of self, and the fields are exposed using their original types (i.e. @name is exposed as String and not mut String).

When moving a field, the remaining fields are dropped individually and the owner of the moved field is partially dropped. If a type defines a custom destructor, a move method can't move the fields out of its receiver.

Swapping field values

Similar to local variables, := can be used to assign a field a new value and return its old value, instead of dropping the old value:

class Person {
  let @name: String

  fn mut replace_name(new_name: String) -> String {
    @name := new_name

Initialising classes

An instance of a class is created as follows:

Person(name: 'Alice', age: 42)

Here we create a Person instance with the name field set to 'Alice', and the age field set to 42. We can also use positional arguments, in which case the order of arguments must match the order in which fields are defined:

Person('Alice', 42)

It's recommended to avoid the use of positional arguments when a class defines more than one field. This ensures that if the order of fields changes, you don't need to update every line of code that creates an instance of the class.

The fields of an instance can be read from and written to directly, meaning we don't need to define getter and setter methods:

let alice = Person(name: 'Alice', age: 42) # => 'Alice' = 'Bob' # => 'Bob'

Sometimes creating an instance of a class involves complex logic to assign values to certain fields. In this case it's best to create a static method to create the instance for you. For example:

class Person {
  let @name: String
  let @age: Int

  fn static new(name: String, age: Int) -> Person {
    Person(name: name, age: age)

Of course nothing complex is happening here, instead we're just trying to illustrate what using a static method for this might look like.


Inko also has "enum classes", created using class enum. Enum classes are used to create sum types, also known as enums:

class enum Letter {
  case A
  case B
  case C

Here we've defined a Letter enum with three possible cases: A, B, and C. We can create instances of these cases as follows:


The cases in an enum support arguments, allowing you to store data in them similar to using regular classes with fields:

class enum OptionalString {
  case None
  case Some(String)

We can then create an instance of the Some case as follows:


Unlike other types of classes, you can't use the syntax OptionalString(...) to create an instance of an enum class.


Processes are defined using class async, and creating instances of such classes spawns a new process:

class async Cat {


Just like regular classes, async classes can define fields using the let keyword:

class async Cat {
  let @name: String

Creating instances of such classes is done the same way as with regular classes:

Cat(name: 'Garfield')

Processes can define async methods that can be called by other processes:

class async Cat {
  let @name: String

  fn async give_food {
    # ...

Drop order

When dropping an instance of a class with fields, the fields are dropped in reverse-definition order:

class Person {
  let @name: String
  let @age: Int

When dropping an instance of this class, @age is dropped before @name.

When dropping an enum with one or more cases that store data, the data stored in each case is dropped in reverse-definition order:

class enum Example {
  case Foo(Int, String)
  case Bar

When dropping an instance of Example.Foo, the String value is dropped before the Int value.