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Foreign Function Interface

Inko supports interacting with C through it's Foregin Function Interface (FFI), powered by libffi.


Inko's FFI is quite basic and comes with various limitations. We aim to improve this over time.

Inko's FFI is provided using the module std::ffi. For more information, refer to the source code of this module.

Loading libraries

To load a library at runtime, use the type std::ffi::Library:

import std::ffi::Library

class async Main {
  fn async main {
    let lib = Library
      .new(['', '', 'libSystem.dylib', 'msvcrt.dll'])
} tries to open any of the given library names or paths, returning a Some(Library) if the library is found.

When the Library value is dropped, the handle to the C library is closed automatically.

Loading functions

After creating a Library you can load functions through it. For example, malloc and free are loaded as follows:

import std::ffi::(Library, Type)

class async Main {
  fn async main {
    let lib = Library
      .new(['', '', 'libSystem.dylib', 'msvcrt.dll'])

    let malloc = lib
      .function('malloc', arguments: [Type.SizeT], returns: Type.Pointer)

    let free = lib
      .function('free', arguments: [Type.Pointer], returns: Type.Void)

Similar to, Library.function returns an Option, with a None signalling the function doesn't exist.

Loading variables

Similar to loading functions we can load variables:

import std::ffi::(Library, Type)

class async Main {
  fn async main {
    let lib = Library
      .new(['', '', 'libSystem.dylib', 'msvcrt.dll'])

    let errno = lib.variable('errno').unwrap

Note that C libraries tend to implement (global) variables using macros, in which case Library.variable won't be able to find the variable. For example, musl defines errno as a macro, which calls a function under the hoods.

Calling functions

Calling functions is done using methods such as Function.call0, Function.call1, etc. The arguments of these methods are of type Any, and only the following values can be passed to these arguments:

  • String
  • Int
  • Float
  • ByteArray
  • Any Any produced by C code (e.g. the return value of malloc in the above example)

Inko performs no type-checking whatsoever on values of type Any, so you have to be careful when using such values. Incorrect use of Any values may lead to the program crashing, eating your laundry, or work just fine until Friday afternoon just as you're about to leave for home, at which point everything catches fire.

When using the return value of a C function, it's up to you to cast it to or construct the appropriate type. Consider our malloc example from earlier: it's return type is a pointer (specified using returns: Type.Pointer), for which std::ffi provides the type Pointer. This means we can use the result like so:

import std::ffi::(Library, Type, Pointer)

class async Main {
  fn async main {
    let lib = Library
      .new(['', '', 'libSystem.dylib', 'msvcrt.dll'])

    let malloc = lib
      .function('malloc', arguments: [Type.SizeT], returns: Type.Pointer)

    let free = lib
      .function('free', arguments: [Type.Pointer], returns: Type.Void)

    let mem =

The Pointer type is a regular Inko type, so we can use it and pass it around like any other value. If we want to pass it back to C, we have to get the underlying raw pointer using Pointer.raw:

import std::ffi::(Library, Type, Pointer)

class async Main {
  fn async main {
    let lib = Library
      .new(['', '', 'libSystem.dylib', 'msvcrt.dll'])

    let malloc = lib
      .function('malloc', arguments: [Type.SizeT], returns: Type.Pointer)

    let free = lib
      .function('free', arguments: [Type.Pointer], returns: Type.Void)

    let mem =


If the return type is a built-in type such as String or Int, we can cast the Any to the appropriate type:

import std::ffi::(Library, Type, Pointer)

class async Main {
  fn async main {
    let lib = Library
      .new(['', '', 'libSystem.dylib', 'msvcrt.dll'])

    let atol = lib
      .function('atol', arguments: [Type.String], returns: Type.I64)

    atol.call1('123') as Int # => 123

If you cast an Any to the wrong type, all hell breaks loose, so be careful!

Defining structures

The FFI module supports the means to build wrappers around structures, making it easier to read and write their fields. This is done using the LayoutBuilder and Struct types. A LayoutBuilder is used to construct the layout of a struct, represented using the Layout type. A Struct wraps a pointer to a C structure, and a corresponding Layout.

For example, if you have a struct with two int fields (Type.I32), you'd define the layout like so:

import std::ffi::(LayoutBuilder, Struct)

let builder =

builder.field('foo', Type.I32)
builder.field('bar', Type.I32)

let layout = builder.into_layout
let struct =, layout)

struct['foo'] = 42

The struct padding/alignment is calculated automatically, and can be disabled using LayoutBuilder.no_padding. Memory is still managed manually, so don't forgot to somehow free the structure when you're done with it.

Memory management

Inko's FFI doesn't automatically manage memory of C values, besides closing a loaded library when dropping a Library value. This means its your own responsibility to release memory (e.g. by using C's free() function) whenever necessary.


  • C calling back into Inko isn't supported.
  • Variadic functions aren't supported.
  • The Function type only supports calling of functions with up to six arguments, at least for now.
  • Inko doesn't support pinning of processes to OS threads (this is by design), making it more difficult to interact with C code that uses thread-local storage. See this issue for more information.
  • C code that requires to be run on the main thread should be called from the "Main" process, as this process is always run on the main thread. There's no support for forcing other processes to run on the main thread.