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Modules & packages

Inko projects are organised as a collection of "modules". A module is just an Inko source file you can import into another file using the import keyword. For example:

import std::stdio

This imports the module std::stdio and exposes it using the name stdio. You an also import specific symbols, such as types:

import std::stdio::STDOUT

For more information about the syntax of import statements, refer to the Imports syntax documentation.

Import paths

When importing modules, the compiler looks in the following places to find the module:

  1. The standard library
  2. Your project's src/ directory (see Project structure)
  3. Your project's dep/src directory

If a module isn't found, a compile-time error is produced.

Inko doesn't supporting importing modules relative to another module.

Third-party dependencies

Inko has a built-in package manager, available using the inko pkg command and its subcommands (e.g. inko pkg add). Packages are just Git repositories hosted on a platform such as GitLab or GitHub. There's no central package registry.

Manifest format

The dependencies for your project are listed in the file inko.pkg (called a "package manifest") in the root directory of your project. The format of this file is a simple line based format that looks as follows:

# This is a comment
require 1.0.1 ece1027ada626bddd1efc74ba88a87dbdc19522c
require 1.0.0 f3f378ad8ea4b617401b40ace743614995904755

Each line is either a comment (when it starts with a #), or a command. The only command supported for now is require, which uses the following syntax:


URL is the URL of the Git repository of the dependency. You can use any URL supported by Git, including local file paths.

VERSION is the version of the package in the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.

CHECKSUM is the SHA1 checksum of the Git commit the version points to. This value is used to ensure that package contents aren't changed after the package is published.

Version selection

Inko's package manager uses semantic versioning for its versions, and minimal version selection for version selection.

Minimal version selection means that you list the minimum version of a package that you need. If multiple packages depend on different versions of the same package, Inko picks the most recent requirement from that list. Take these requirements for example:

json >= 1.2.3
json >= 1.5.3
json >= 1.8.2

Here the most recent version that satisfies all requirements is 1.8.2, so Inko will pick that version of the "json" package.

If packages require different major versions of another package, Inko produces an error as we don't support using multiple major versions of the same package.

Using minimal version selection offers several benefits:

  • The implementation is much simpler compared to SAT solvers used for other version selecting techniques. Because of this the implementation is also much faster.
  • You don't need a lock file of sorts that lists all the exact packages and versions to use.
  • You won't end up using a version of a package that you never tested your code against.

For more details we suggest reading through the article by Russ Cox.

Handling security updates

If a new version of a package is released, Inko ignores it due to the use of minimal version selection; instead picking the most recent version from the list of required versions. At first glance this may seem like a bad idea, as you won't be able to take advantage of security updates of your dependencies. There's a simple solution to this problem: add the dependency to your inko.pkg with the appropriate minimum version, and Inko takes care of the rest.

Using Inko's package manager

For a more in-depth overview of the available commands and flags, run inko pkg --help. This also works for the various sub-commands, such as inko pkg sync --help.

Setting up

Creating an empty inko.pkg is done using the inko pkg init command.

Adding dependencies

Adding a package is done using inko pkg add, which takes the package URL and version to add. For example:

inko pkg add 1.2.3

This command only adds the package to your inko.pkg file, it doesn't install it into your project.

Removing dependencies

The inverse of inko pkg add is the inko pkg remove command, which takes a package URL and removes it from your inko.pkg. For example:

inko pkg remove

Installing dependencies


The inko pkg sync command removes all files in the dep/src directory before installing the dependencies, so make sure to not place files not managed by Inko in this directory.

Installing dependencies into your project is done using inko pkg sync. This command downloads all the necessary dependencies, selects the appropriate versions, then installs them in ./dep/src. For example:

$ inko pkg sync
Updating package cache
  Downloading /home/yorickpeterse/Projects/inko/ipm-test/http 1.0.1
  Downloading /home/yorickpeterse/Projects/inko/ipm-test/json 1.0.0
  Downloading /home/yorickpeterse/Projects/inko/ipm-test/test-package-with-dependency/ 0.5.2
  Downloading /home/yorickpeterse/Projects/inko/ipm-test/test-package 1.1.1
Removing existing dependencies in ./dep
  /home/yorickpeterse/Projects/inko/ipm-test/json 1.0.0
  /home/yorickpeterse/Projects/inko/ipm-test/http 1.0.1
  /home/yorickpeterse/Projects/inko/ipm-test/test-package 1.1.1
  /home/yorickpeterse/Projects/inko/ipm-test/test-package-with-dependency/ 0.5.2

Once installed you can import the dependencies using the import statement.

The dep directory shouldn't be tracked by Git, so make sure to add it to your .gitignore file like so:


Updating dependencies

Updating dependencies to their latest version is done using the inko pkg update command. This command either takes a package URL and only updates that package, or updates all packages if no URL is specified.

By default this command only updates versions to the latest version using the same major version. For example, if you depend on "json" version 1.2.3, and 1.2.5 is released, inko pkg update updates the required version to 1.2.5. When version 2.0.0 is released, inko pkg update ignores it because this version isn't backwards compatible with version 1. To update across major versions, use the following:

inko pkg update --major

Note that if other packages depend on the previous major version of the package you're updating, you won't be able to update your dep directory using inko pkg sync.

Publishing a package

To publish your package, push it to a Git host and add a Git tag with the version number, prefixed by v. For example, if you are releasing 3.8.5, use git tag v3.8.5. Don't forget to push the tag with git push --tags.