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Asynchronous IO

IO operations, such as writing to a file or reading from a socket, are asynchronous in Inko. Unlike other languages, there is no async/await and no function colouring. Inko achieves this by baking asynchronous IO into the language, much like languages such as Erlang and Go.

In plain English: Inko's runtime ensures an IO operation can't prevent other processes from running.


Sockets are implemented as non-blocking sockets. When performing an operation that would block, the process is suspended. A background thread called the "network poller" then keeps an eye on the process, rescheduling it when the operation is ready. The network poller uses epoll on Linux, and kqueue on macOS and the various BSDs.

By default a single network poller thread is used, but the amount is configurable using the INKO_NETPOLL_THREADS environment variable.

Sockets are provided by the module The following socket types exist in this module:

  • Socket: a low-level IPv4/IPv6 socket. You probably don't want to use this directly unless necessary.
  • UdpSocket: a UDP IPv4/IPv6 socket.
  • TcpClient: an IPv4/IPv6 TCP stream socket acting as a client.
  • TcpServer: an IPv4/IPv6 TCP stream socket acting as a server.
  • UnixSocket: a low-level Unix domain socket.
  • UnixDatagram: a Unix datagram socket.
  • UnixClient: a Unix stream socket acting as a client.
  • UnixServer: a Unix stream socket acting as a server.

Files and standard input/output

Other IO operations that don't support non-blocking operations, such as reading from a file or writing to STDERR, use a different approach to ensure they don't block the OS thread.

When such an operation is performed, Inko's runtime keeps track of how long the operation is running for. If this takes too long, a backup OS thread is woken up and takes over the work of the OS thread performing the blocking operation. When the blocked thread wakes up again it reschedules the process, then turns itself into a backup thread.

The amount of backup threads used is configured using the INKO_BACKUP_THREADS environment variable.


Types for working with files are provided in the module std.fs.file. The following types are provided:

  • ReadOnlyFile: opens a file that only allows reads
  • WriteOnlyFile: opens a file that only allows writes
  • ReadWriteFile: opens a file that allows both reads and writes

Instances of these types are created using the static new method, for example:

import std.fs.file.WriteOnlyFile'test.txt').expect('failed to open the file')

WriteOnlyFile and ReadWriteFile place the file cursor at the start of the file, overwriting existing content when writing. To instead append to the end of the file, use the append static method:

import std.fs.file.WriteOnlyFile

WriteOnlyFile.append('test.txt').expect('failed to open the file')

Standard input/output

The module std.stdio provides types for working with standard input/output streams. These types are as follows:

  • STDIN: a type for reading from the standard input stream.
  • STDOUT: a type for writing to the standard output stream.
  • STDERR: a type for writing to the standard error stream.

Other IO types

The module provides various traits implemented by other IO types. For example, the Read trait is implemented by IO types that support reads.