Memory management

Inko uses automatic memory management, using "single ownership" instead of a garbage collector. Inko has four primary types of references: owned references, immutable borrows, mutable borrows, and unique references. In this tutorial we'll take a look at the basics of working with these different references.

Owned references

We'll start with a simple list of cats:

type Cat {}

type async Main {
  fn async main {
    let cats = [Cat(), Cat()]

Save this in a file called cats.inko and run it as follows:

inko run cats.inko

If all went well, no output is produced.

Let's adjust the program to print the number of cats to the terminal:

import std.stdio (Stdout)

type Cat {}

type async Main {
  fn async main {
    let cats = [Cat(), Cat()]'${cats.size} cats')

If we run this again, the output is "2 cats".

Now we'll change the program to the following:

import std.stdio (Stdout)

type Cat {}

type async Main {
  fn async main {
    let cats = [Cat(), Cat()]
    let more_cats = cats'${cats.size} cats')

If we try to run this program, we're greeted with the following compile-time error:

cats.inko:10:24 error(moved): 'cats' can't be used as it has been moved

What happened is as follows: cats is a variable containing an owned reference to the array of cats. When this reference is assigned to the more_cats variable, ownership of the reference is moved to the more_cats variable. Once ownership is moved, we can no longer use the old reference (cats in this case).

When the owned reference is no longer in use, the type's destructor is run (if it defines any) and its memory is released. This process is known as "dropping" a value.


If we only had owned references, writing meaningful programs in Inko would be difficult. Inko has two types of references that don't transfer ownership, known as "borrows": immutable borrows, and mutable borrows.

Immutable borrows are created using the ref keyword:

import std.stdio (Stdout)

type Cat {}

type async Main {
  fn async main {
    let cats = [Cat(), Cat()]
    let more_cats = ref cats'${cats.size} cats')

Mutable borrows are created using the mut keyword:

import std.stdio (Stdout)

type Cat {}

type async Main {
  fn async main {
    let cats = [Cat(), Cat()]
    let more_cats = mut cats'${cats.size} cats')

Running both these programs produces the output "2 cats", without any compile-time errors.

Mutable vs immutable

The difference between immutable and mutable borrows is simple: mutable borrows allow mutating of the borrowed data, while immutable borrows don't. For example:

import std.stdio (Stdout)

type Cat {}

type async Main {
  fn async main {
    let cats = [Cat(), Cat()]
    let cats_ref = ref cats


If you try to run this program, you'll be greeted with the following compile-time error:

cats.inko:10:5 error(invalid-call): the method 'pop' requires a mutable receiver, but 'ref Array[Cat]' isn't mutable

To fix this, we need to use a mutable borrow:

import std.stdio (Stdout)

type Cat {}

type async Main {
  fn async main {
    let cats = [Cat(), Cat()]
    let cats_mut = mut cats


Automatic borrows

When passing a value to something that expects a borrow, Inko automatically borrows the value according to the expected borrow:

type Person {
  let @name: String

fn example(person: ref Person) {}

type async Main {
  fn async main {
    let person = Person(name: 'Alice')


Here example(person) results in the compiler passing a ref Person as the argument, allowing you to continue using person after returning from the example call. The behavior of automatically borrowing values is as follows:

Tref Tref T
Tmut Tmut T
ref Tref Tref T
mut Tmut Tmut T
mut Tref Tref T

Moving while borrowing

Inko allows you to move owned references while borrows to the owned reference exist. If an owned value is dropped while borrows to it still exist, a runtime error known as a "panic" is produced, terminating the program:

import std.stdio (Stdout)

type Cat {}

type async Main {
  fn async main {
    let cats = [Cat(), Cat()]
    let borrow = ref cats
    let more_cats = cats'${borrow.size} cats')'${more_cats.size} cats')

If we run this program, the output is as follows:

2 cats
2 cats
Stack trace (the most recent call comes last):
  [...]/cats.inko:12 in main.Main.main
  [...]/std/src/std/array.inko:104 in std.array.Array.$dropper
Process 'Main' (0x55fd6eb37170) panicked: can't drop a value of type 'Array' as it still has 1 reference(s)

The reason this happens is because more_cats is dropped before borrow is dropped, while the borrow still exists (because borrow is defined before more_cats), resulting in this error.

How is this safe?

Borrowing in Inko works as follows: each heap allocated value stores a borrow counter. This counter is incremented when borrowing the value, and decremented when the borrow is discarded. When dropping an owned value, the borrow counter is checked and a panic is produced if the count is not zero.

Using this approach we can avoid having to implement a complex compile-time borrow checking mechanism, and still implement patterns otherwise difficult or impossible to implement when using borrow checking (i.e. linked lists or graphs).

In the future, we intend to implement additional forms of compile-time analysis to detect obvious cases where a value is dropped while still borrowed, reducing the chances of encountering a runtime borrow error.

While this approach incurs a small runtime cost, most of the borrow count mutations can be optimized away. While we don't implement such optimizations at the time of writing, we intend to do so in the future.

This approach is not new and is in fact based on the paper "Ownership You Can Count On: A Hybrid Approach to Safe Explicit Memory Management", originally published in 2006 (the original source is no longer available).

While this approach may sound scary, in reality it's not as big of a deal as one might think. Since the check is performed when dropping a value and not when (for example) dereferencing a borrow, the behaviour is deterministic: if the program triggers a borrow error with input A, then running the same program with the same input 10 times will produce the same error 10 times. This, combined with the stack trace that's displayed when encountering a borrow error, makes it reasonably easy to debug and resolve such errors. We also found that encountering borrow errors is rare to begin with as it just isn't that common for borrows to outlive the owned values they borrow.

Unique references

Inko also has a type of reference known as a "unique reference". Such references impose heavy restriction on borrowing, which ensures that these borrows don't exist when the unique reference is moved around. To illustrate this, change the cats.inko program to the following:

import std.stdio (Stdout)

type Cat {}

type async Main {
  fn async main {
    let cats = recover [Cat(), Cat()]
    let borrow = ref cats'${cats.size} cats')

Now run this using inko run cats.inko, and you should be presented with the following compile-time error:

cats.inko:8:18 error(invalid-type): values of type 'uni ref Array[Cat]' can't be assigned to variables or fields

What happened is the following: using the recover keyword we turned the array of cats into a unique array of cats. When using ref cats, a special borrow known as a "unique immutable borrow" (quite the mouthful) is created. The compiler imposes restrictions on such borrows, such as not allowing them to be assigned to variables.

Unique references are used when sending data between processes, as a value being unique ensures no borrows to the data exist, and thus no race conditions can occur when using the reference.

Value types

OK I lied when I said Inko has four types of primary references, as I left out one important one: value types. Value types are owned references that are copied when they are moved, instead of transferring ownership. This allows you to use both the old and new version. To illustrate, create values.inko with these contents:

import std.stdio (Stdout)

type async Main {
  fn async main {
    let out =
    let a = 42
    let b = a


Now run it using inko run values.inko, and the output is as follows:


The reason this program works is because 42 is an instance of the Int type, which is a 64-bits signed integer, and Int is a value type.

Other value types are floats (Float), strings (String), processes, nil (Nil), booleans (Bool), and C structures used as part of the FFI.