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type pub Block

A fixed-size block of bytes.

Static methods


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fn pub static new(size: Int) -> Block {
  Block(bytes: ByteArray.filled(with: 0, times: size), index: 0)
fn pub static new(size: Int) -> Block

Returns a new Block with the given size in bytes.

Instance methods


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fn pub mut add_padding(size: Int, transform: fn) {
  let pad_to = @bytes.size - size

  if @index >= pad_to {
    @bytes.set(@index := @index + 1, 0x80)

    while @index < @bytes.size { @bytes.set(@index := @index + 1, 0) }
    @index = 0

    while @index < pad_to { @bytes.set(@index := @index + 1, 0) }
  } else {
    @bytes.set(@index := @index + 1, 0x80)

    while @index < pad_to { @bytes.set(@index := @index + 1, 0) }
fn pub mut add_padding(size: Int, transform: fn)

Pads the block, calling the supplied closure if the block is full and hashing is necessary.

This method expects the size to be written using a 64-bits integer.


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fn pub block_index -> Int {
fn pub block_index -> Int

Returns the current index to write data to.


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fn pub get(index: Int) -> Int {
fn pub get(index: Int) -> Int

Returns the byte at the given index.


This method panics if the index is out of bounds.


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fn pub read_i32_be(at: Int) -> Int {
  big.read_i32(@bytes, at)
fn pub read_i32_be(at: Int) -> Int

Reads an unsigned 32-bits big-endian integer from the given index.


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fn pub read_i32_le(at: Int) -> Int {
  little.read_i32(@bytes, at)
fn pub read_i32_le(at: Int) -> Int

Reads an unsigned 32-bits little-endian integer from the given index.


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fn pub read_i64_be(at: Int) -> Int {
  big.read_i64(@bytes, at)
fn pub read_i64_be(at: Int) -> Int

Reads a signed 64-bits big-endian integer from the given index.


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fn pub mut set(index: Int, value: Int) {
  @bytes.set(index, value)
fn pub mut set(index: Int, value: Int)

Sets the byte at the given index.


This method panics if the index is out of bounds.


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fn pub mut write_bytes(bytes: ref ByteArray, transform: fn) {
  let mut size = bytes.size
  let mut index = 0

  while size > 0 {
    @bytes.set(@index := @index + 1, bytes.get(index))

    if @index == @bytes.size {
      @index = 0

    index += 1
    size -= 1
fn pub mut write_bytes(bytes: ref ByteArray, transform: fn)

Writes bytes into the block, calling transform if hashing is necessary.


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fn pub mut write_size_be(size: Int, at: Int) {
  big.write_i64(size, into: @bytes, at: at)
fn pub mut write_size_be(size: Int, at: Int)

Writes a 64-bits big-endian message size into the block.


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fn pub mut write_size_le(size: Int, at: Int) {
  little.write_i64(size, into: @bytes, at: at)
fn pub mut write_size_le(size: Int, at: Int)

Writes a 64-bits little-endian message size into the block.