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type pub copy Date

A type representing a date in the Gregorian calendar, without a time and timezone.

Static methods


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fn pub inline static new(year: Int, month: Int, day: Int) -> Option[Date] {
    year >= -2147483648
      and year <= 2147483647
      and month >= 1
      and month <= 12
      and day >= 1
      and day <= 31
    Option.Some(new_unchecked(year, month, day))
  } else {
fn pub inline static new(year: Int, month: Int, day: Int) -> Option[Date]

Returns a new Date, provided the given components are valid.

The arguments must be values in the following ranges:

  • year: -2147483648 up to and including 2147483647
  • month: 1 up to and including 12
  • day: 1 up to and including 31

If any of the arguments are out of bounds, an Option.None is returned.


import std.time (Date)

let date = Date
  .new(year: 2024, month: 12, day: 17)
  .or_panic('the Date is invalid')

date.year # => 2024

Instance methods


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fn pub !=(other: ref Self) -> Bool {
  (self == other).false?
fn pub !=(other: ref Self) -> Bool

Returns true if self and the given object are not equal to each other.


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fn pub ==(other: Date) -> Bool {
  @bits == other.bits
fn pub ==(other: Date) -> Bool

Returns true if self and the given object are equal to each other.

This operator is used to perform structural equality. This means two objects residing in different memory locations may be considered equal, provided their structure is equal. For example, two different arrays may be considered to have structural equality if they contain the exact same values.


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fn pub inline day -> Int {
  @bits & 0x1F
fn pub inline day -> Int

Returns the day in the range 1 to 31.


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fn pub day_of_week -> Int {
  # January 1st, 1970 (our anchor date) was on a Thursday. We add 3 so that
  # Monday (3 days before Thursday) becomes the anchor date.
  # We later on add 1 since the % operator will return 0 for Monday (since its
  # the first value in the range), but week days range from 1 to 7; not 0 to
  # 6.
  # The following table should help illustrate this:
  # | Date       | Day of week | days_since_unix_epoch
  # |:-----------|:------------|:----------------------
  # | 1969-12-29 | Monday      | -3
  # | 1969-12-30 | Tuesday     | -2
  # | 1969-12-31 | Wednesday   | -1
  # | 1970-01-01 | Thursday    | 0
  # | 1970-01-02 | Friday      | 1
  # | 1970-01-03 | Saturday    | 2
  # | 1970-01-04 | Sunday      | 3
  # For these dates, the calculations would be as follows:
  # | Date       | Calculation        | Simplified  | Return value
  # |:-----------|:-------------------|:------------|:------------
  # | 1969-12-29 | ((-3 + 3) % 7) + 1 | (0 % 7) + 1 | 1
  # | 1969-12-30 | ((-2 + 3) % 7) + 1 | (1 % 7) + 1 | 2
  # | 1969-12-31 | ((-1 + 3) % 7) + 1 | (2 % 7) + 1 | 3
  # | 1970-01-01 | ((0 + 3) % 7) + 1  | (3 % 7) + 1 | 4
  # | 1970-01-02 | ((1 + 3) % 7) + 1  | (4 % 7) + 1 | 5
  # | 1970-01-03 | ((2 + 3) % 7) + 1  | (5 % 7) + 1 | 6
  # | 1970-01-04 | ((3 + 3) % 7) + 1  | (6 % 7) + 1 | 7
  days_since_unix_epoch + 3 % DAYS_PER_WEEK + 1
fn pub day_of_week -> Int

Returns the day of the week from 1 to 7.

Per ISO 8601 the first day of the week starts on Monday, not Sunday.


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fn pub day_of_year -> Int {
  let days = if leap_year? { LEAP_DAYS } else { NORMAL_DAYS }

  days.get(month - 1) + day
fn pub day_of_year -> Int

Returns the day of the year from 1 to 366 for leap years, and from 1 to 365 for regular years.


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fn pub days_since_unix_epoch -> Int {
  let year = if month <= 2 { year - 1 } else { year }
  let month = month
  let era = if year >= 0 { year } else { year - 399 } / 400
  let yoe = year - (era * 400)
  let doy = (((153 * if month > 2 { month - 3 } else { month + 9 }) + 2) / 5)
    + day
    - 1
  let doe = (yoe * 365) + (yoe / 4) - (yoe / 100) + doy

  (era * 146_097) + doe - 719_468
fn pub days_since_unix_epoch -> Int

Returns the number of days between self and the Unix epoch.

The returned Int is negative if self is before the Unix epoch, and positive for a value that is on or after the Unix epoch.


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fn pub fmt(formatter: mut Formatter) {
  let year = year.to_string.pad_start(with: '0', chars: 4)
  let month = month.to_string.pad_start(with: '0', chars: 2)
  let day = day.to_string.pad_start(with: '0', chars: 2)

fn pub fmt(formatter: mut Formatter)

Formats self in a human-readable format for debugging purposes.


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fn pub leap_year? -> Bool {
  let year = year

  (year % 4) == 0 and ((year % 100) > 0 or (year % 400) == 0)
fn pub leap_year? -> Bool

Returns true if the current year is a leap year.


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fn pub inline month -> Int {
  @bits >> 5 & 0xF
fn pub inline month -> Int

Returns the month in the range 1 to 12.


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fn pub inline year -> Int {
  @bits >> 9
fn pub inline year -> Int

Returns the year.

Implemented traits



impl Equal for Date


impl Format for Date