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class pub builtin Float

A 64-bit floating point number.

Static methods


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fn pub static from_bits(bits: Int) -> Float {
fn pub static from_bits(bits: Int) -> Float

Returns a Float by interpreting the given Int as the bits of the float.


Float.from_bits(0x4029000000000000) # => 12.5


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fn pub static infinity -> Float {
  1.0 / 0.0
fn pub static infinity -> Float

Returns the positive infinity value.


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fn pub static negative_infinity -> Float {
  -1.0 / 0.0
fn pub static negative_infinity -> Float

Returns the negative infinity value.


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fn pub static not_a_number -> Float {
  0.0 / 0.0
fn pub static not_a_number -> Float

Returns a NaN.


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fn pub static parse[T: Bytes](bytes: ref T) -> Option[Float] {
  match inko_string_to_float(bytes.to_pointer, bytes.size) {
    case { @tag = 0, @value = v } -> Option.Some(from_bits(v as Int))
    case _ -> Option.None
fn pub static parse[T: Bytes](bytes: ref T) -> Option[Float]

Parses a Bytes into a Float, returning a Some if the value is valid, and a None otherwise.

The input is expected to be a base 10 representation of a float. This method accepts inputs such as:

  • 1.2
  • -1.2
  • +1.2
  • 1.2e1 and 1.2E1
  • .5
  • 5.
  • Infinity, -Infinity, inf, infinity, -inf, -infinity
  • NaN

Leading and/or trailing whitespace is considered invalid.


Float.parse('10.5')  # => Option.Some(10.5)
Float.parse('1.2e1') # => Option.Some(12.0)

Instance methods


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fn pub !=(other: T) -> Bool {
  (self == other).false?
fn pub !=(other: T) -> Bool

Returns true if self and the given object are not equal to each other.


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fn pub %(other: ref Float) -> Float {
  _INKO.float_mod(self, other)
fn pub %(other: ref Float) -> Float

Gets the remainder after dividing self by the given object.


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fn pub *(other: ref Float) -> Float {
  _INKO.float_mul(self, other)
fn pub *(other: ref Float) -> Float

Multiplies self with the given object.


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fn pub **(other: ref Int) -> Float {
  _INKO.float_powi(self, other)
fn pub **(other: ref Int) -> Float

Raises self to the power of the given exponent.


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fn pub +(other: ref Float) -> Float {
  _INKO.float_add(self, other)
fn pub +(other: ref Float) -> Float

Adds the given object to self.


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fn pub -(other: ref Float) -> Float {
  _INKO.float_sub(self, other)
fn pub -(other: ref Float) -> Float

Subtracts the given object from self.


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fn pub /(other: ref Float) -> Float {
  _INKO.float_div(self, other)
fn pub /(other: ref Float) -> Float

Divides self by the given object.


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fn pub <(other: ref Float) -> Bool {
  _INKO.float_lt(self, other)
fn pub <(other: ref Float) -> Bool

Returns true if self is lower than the given argument.


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fn pub <=(other: ref Float) -> Bool {
  _INKO.float_le(self, other)
fn pub <=(other: ref Float) -> Bool

Returns true if self is lower than or equal to the given argument.


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fn pub ==(other: ref Float) -> Bool {
  # Handle simple comparisons such as `1.2 == 1.2` and `0.0 == -0.0`.
  if _INKO.float_eq(self, other) { return true }

  if positive_sign? != other.positive_sign? { return false }

  if not_a_number? or other.not_a_number? { return false }

  let diff = to_bits.wrapping_sub(other.to_bits)

  diff >= -1 and diff <= 1
fn pub ==(other: ref Float) -> Bool

Returns true if self and other are equal to each other.

This method uses "Units in the Last Place" or ULPs to perform an approximate comparison when two values aren't exactly identical. This means most common floats can be compared for equality and give consistent results, but you still shouldn't rely on it always being accurate. Or to put it differently, if you need 100% accuracy, you should use either Int or some other data type.

See for more details on how ULPs work.


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fn pub >(other: ref Float) -> Bool {
  _INKO.float_gt(self, other)
fn pub >(other: ref Float) -> Bool

Returns true if self is greater than the given argument.


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fn pub >=(other: ref Float) -> Bool {
  _INKO.float_ge(self, other)
fn pub >=(other: ref Float) -> Bool

Returns true if self is equal to or greater than the given argument.


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fn pub absolute -> Float {
  Float.from_bits(to_bits & MAX)
fn pub absolute -> Float

Returns the absolute value of self.


42.0.absolute  # => 42
-42.0.absolute # => 42


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fn pub ceil -> Float {
fn pub ceil -> Float

Returns the smallest number greater than or equal to self.


Using a regular float:

3.5.ceil # => 4.0

Using a NAN value will produce a new NAN:

Float.not_a_number.ceil.not_a_number? # => true


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fn pub clone -> Float {
fn pub clone -> Float

Creates a clone of self.


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fn pub cmp(other: ref Float) -> Ordering {
  let mut lhs = to_bits
  let mut rhs = other.to_bits

  lhs ^= lhs >> 63 >>> 1
  rhs ^= rhs >> 63 >>> 1

fn pub cmp(other: ref Float) -> Ordering

Return the ordering between self and other.

This method implements total ordering of floats as per the IEEE 754 specification. Values are ordered in the following order:

  • negative quiet NaN
  • negative signaling NaN
  • negative infinity
  • negative numbers
  • negative subnormal numbers
  • negative zero
  • positive zero
  • positive subnormal numbers
  • positive numbers
  • positive infinity
  • positive signaling NaN
  • positive quiet NaN


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fn pub floor -> Float {
fn pub floor -> Float

Returns the largest number less than or equal to self.


Using a regular float:

3.5.floor # => 3.0

Using a NAN value will produce a new NAN:

Float.not_a_number.floor.not_a_number? # => true


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fn pub fmt(formatter: mut Formatter) {
fn pub fmt(formatter: mut Formatter)

Formats self in a human-readable format for debugging purposes.


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fn pub fractional -> Float {
  absolute % 1.0
fn pub fractional -> Float

Returns the fractional part of this float.


Returning the fractional:

3.5.fract => 0.5


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fn pub hash[H: mut + Hasher](hasher: mut H) {
fn pub hash[H: mut + Hasher](hasher: mut H: mut)

Writes the hash for self into the given Hasher.


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fn pub infinite? -> Bool {
fn pub infinite? -> Bool

Returns true if self is an infinite number.


Using a regular float:

10.5.infinite? # => false

Using an infinite number:

(10.0 / 0.0).infinite? # => true


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fn pub negative_sign? -> Bool {
  to_bits & MIN != 0
fn pub negative_sign? -> Bool

Returns true if self has a negative sign, including -0.0, NaNs with a negative sign bit, and negative infinity.


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fn pub not_a_number? -> Bool {
fn pub not_a_number? -> Bool

Returns true if self is not a number (NAN).


Using a regular float:

10.5.not_a_number? => false

Using a NAN value:

Float.not_a_number.not_a_number? # => true


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fn pub opposite -> Float {
  Float.from_bits(to_bits ^ MIN)
fn pub opposite -> Float

Returns a value with the opposite sign of self.


42.0.opposite  # => -42
-42.0.opposite # => 42


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fn pub positive_sign? -> Bool {
fn pub positive_sign? -> Bool

Returns true if self has a positive sign, including +0.0, NaNs with a positive sign bit, and positive infinity.


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fn pub round(decimals: Int) -> Float {
  if decimals <= 0 { return _INKO.float_round(self) }

  if decimals > 4_294_967_295 { return self }

  let pow = 10.0 ** decimals
  let mul = self * pow

  if mul.infinite? { self } else { _INKO.float_round(mul) / pow }
fn pub round(decimals: Int) -> Float

Rounds self to the nearest number.

The decimals argument can be used to control the number of decimals of the returned Float. When a negative value is used, the number is rounded on the left hand side of the decimal point.


Using a regular float:

3.5.round # => 3.0

Rounding to a given number of decimals:

3.123.round(1) # => 3.1

Rounding a number using a negative number of decimals:

34567.89.round(-2) # => 34600.0

Using a NAN value will produce a new NAN:

Float.not_a_number.round.not_a_number? # => true


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fn pub to_bits -> Int {
fn pub to_bits -> Int

Returns the bitwise representation of self, as an Int.

This does not cast the Float, instead the returned Int has all the bits set that make up self.


Converting a Float to its bitwise representation:

1.0.to_bits # => 4607182418800017408


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fn pub to_float -> Float {
fn pub to_float -> Float

Converts self to a Float


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fn pub to_int -> Int {
  self as Int
fn pub to_int -> Int

Converts self to a Int


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fn pub to_string -> String {
  inko_float_to_string(_INKO.state, self as Float64)
fn pub to_string -> String

Converts self to a String.


Converting a positive float:

10.5.to_string # => '10.5'

Converting a negative float:

-10.5.to_string # => '-10.5'

Converting a NAN:

Float.not_a_number.to_string # => 'NaN'

Converting an infinite number:

Float.infinity.to_string # => 'Infinity'

Implemented traits



impl Clone[Float] for Float


impl Compare[Float] for Float


impl Equal[ref Float] for Float


impl ToFloat for Float


impl Format for Float


impl Hash for Float


impl ToInt for Float


impl Add[Float, Float] for Float


impl Divide[Float, Float] for Float


impl Modulo[Float, Float] for Float


impl Multiply[Float, Float] for Float


impl Power[Int, Float] for Float


impl Subtract[Float, Float] for Float


impl ToString for Float