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class pub ReadOnlyFile

A file that can only be used for reads.



let pub @path: Path

The path of the file.

Static methods


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fn pub static new(path: Path) -> Result[ReadOnlyFile, Error] {
  match inko_file_open(_INKO.process, path.to_string, FILE_READ_ONLY) {
    case { @tag = 0, @value = v } -> {
      Result.Ok(ReadOnlyFile(path: path, fd: v))
    case { @tag = _, @value = e } -> {
      Result.Error(Error.from_os_error(e as Int))
fn pub static new(path: Path) -> Result[ReadOnlyFile, Error]

Returns a new ReadOnlyFile.


Opening a file in read-only mode:

import std.fs.file (ReadOnlyFile)

let handle ='/dev/null'.to_path).get

Instance methods


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fn pub mut read(into: mut ByteArray, size: Int) -> Result[Int, Error] {
  match inko_file_read(_INKO.process, @fd, into, size) {
    case { @tag = 0, @value = v } -> Result.Ok(v)
    case { @tag = _, @value = e } -> Result.Error(Error.from_os_error(e))
fn pub mut read(into: mut ByteArray, size: Int) -> Result[Int, Error]

Reads bytes from a stream into a ByteArray.

The return value is the number of bytes read.

The size argument specifies how many bytes are to be read. The actual number of bytes read may be less than this value.


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fn pub mut read_all(bytes: mut ByteArray) -> Result[Int, Error] {
  let mut total = 0
  let mut read_size = INITIAL_READ_ALL_SIZE

  loop {
    let bytes_read = try read(into: bytes, size: read_size)

    if bytes_read == 0 { return Result.Ok(total) }

    total += bytes_read

    # To reduce the overhead of large buffer reads, we increase the buffer
    # size as more data is read.
    if read_size < MAX_READ_ALL_SIZE { read_size *= 2 }
fn pub mut read_all(bytes: mut ByteArray) -> Result[Int, Error]

Reads all bytes from the stream into the ByteArray.

If an error is encountered while reading, this method stops reading any more bytes and re-throws the error.

The return value is the number of bytes read.


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fn pub mut seek(position: Int) -> Result[Int, Error] {
  match inko_file_seek(_INKO.process, @fd, position) {
    case { @tag = 0, @value = v } -> Result.Ok(v)
    case { @tag = _, @value = e } -> Result.Error(Error.from_os_error(e))
fn pub mut seek(position: Int) -> Result[Int, Error]

Seeks to the given byte offset, returning the new offset.

If position is negative, seeking is performed in reverse order relative to the end.


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fn pub size -> Result[Int, Error] {
  match inko_file_size(_INKO.process, @path.to_string) {
    case { @tag = 0, @value = v } -> Result.Ok(v)
    case { @tag = _, @value = e } -> Result.Error(Error.from_os_error(e))
fn pub size -> Result[Int, Error]

Implemented traits



impl Drop for ReadOnlyFile


impl Read for ReadOnlyFile


impl Seek for ReadOnlyFile


impl Size for ReadOnlyFile