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class pub enum Option[T]

An optional value.

An Option is is either a Some containing a value, or a None that doesn't contain a value.




A value of type T.



The lack of a value.

Instance methods


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fn pub !=(other: T) -> Bool {
  (self == other).false?
fn pub !=(other: T) -> Bool

Returns true if self and the given object are not equal to each other.


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fn pub ==(other: ref Option[T]) -> Bool {
  match self {
    case Some(ours) -> {
      match other {
        case Some(theirs) -> ours == theirs
        case _ -> false
    case None -> {
      match other {
        case None -> true
        case _ -> false
fn pub ==(other: ref Option[T]) -> Bool
  T: Equal[ref T]

Returns true if self and the given Option are equal.

Two options are considered equal to each other if:

  1. They are both None

2. They are both some, and the wrapped values are equal to each other


Comparing two Some values:

Option.Some(10) == Option.Some(10) # => true
Option.Some(10) == Option.Some(20) # => false

Comparing a Some and a None:

Option.Some(10) == Option.None # => false

Comparing two None values:

Option.None == Option.None # => true


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fn pub mut as_mut -> Option[mut T] {
  match self {
    case Some(v) -> Option.Some(v)
    case None -> Option.None
fn pub mut as_mut -> Option[mut T: mut]
  T: mut

Returns an optional mutable reference to the wrapped value.


Option.Some([10]).as_mut # => Option.Some(mut [10])


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fn pub as_ref -> Option[ref T] {
  match self {
    case Some(v) -> Option.Some(v)
    case None -> Option.None
fn pub as_ref -> Option[ref T]

Returns an optional immutable reference to the wrapped value.


Option.Some(10).as_ref # => Option.Some(ref 10)
Option.None.as_ref     # => Option.None


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fn pub clone -> Option[T] {
  match self {
    case Some(v) -> Option.Some(v.clone)
    case None -> Option.None
fn pub clone -> Option[T]
  T: Clone[T]

Creates a clone of self.


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fn pub move else(block: fn -> Option[T]) -> Option[T] {
  if some? { self } else { }
fn pub move else(block: fn -> Option[T]) -> Option[T]

Calls the supplied block if self is a None, returning the Option provided by the block argument.

If self is a Some, the Some itself is returned.


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fn pub fmt(formatter: mut Formatter) {
  match self {
    case Some(v) -> formatter.tuple('Some').field(v).finish
    case None -> formatter.tuple('None').finish
fn pub fmt(formatter: mut Formatter)
  T: Format

Formats self in a human-readable format for debugging purposes.


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fn pub move get -> T {
  or_panic('Option.get expects a Some(_), but a None is found')
fn pub move get -> T

Returns the value wrapped by Some, or panics if self is a None.


Option.Some(10).get # => 10


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fn pub move map[R](block: fn (T) -> R) -> Option[R] {
  match self {
    case Some(v) -> Option.Some(
    case None -> Option.None
fn pub move map[R](block: fn (T) -> R) -> Option[R]

Maps an Option[T] to an Option[R] by wrapping the value returned by the provided closure.

The closure is to return a value to be wrapped in a Some. If used on a None, None itself is returned.


Mapping an Option to a new Option:

Option.Some(10).map fn (num) { num * 2 } # => Option.Some(20)

Mapping a None: fn (x) { x * 2 } # => Option.None


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fn pub none? -> Bool {
  match self {
    case Some(_) -> false
    case None -> true
fn pub none? -> Bool

Returns true for a None, false otherwise.


Option.Some(10).none? # => false
Option.None.none?     # => true


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fn pub move ok_or[E](error: E) -> Result[T, E] {
  match self {
    case Some(v) -> Result.Ok(v)
    case _ -> Result.Error(error)
fn pub move ok_or[E](error: E) -> Result[T, E]

Transforms self into a Result[T, E], mapping an Option.Some(T) to Result.Ok(T) and a Option.None to Result.Error(E).

The argument is eagerly evaluated. If this isn't desired, use Option.ok_or_else instead.


Option.Some(10).ok_or('oops!') # => Result.Ok(10)
Option.None.ok_or('oops!')     # => Result.Error('oops!')


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fn pub move ok_or_else[E](error: fn -> E) -> Result[T, E] {
  match self {
    case Some(v) -> Result.Ok(v)
    case _ -> Result.Error(
fn pub move ok_or_else[E](error: fn -> E) -> Result[T, E]

Transforms self into a Result[T, E], mapping an Option.Some(T) to Result.Ok(T) and a Option.None to Result.Error(E) where E is the return value of the given closure.


Option.Some(10).ok_or_else(fn { 'oops!' }) # => Result.Ok(10)
Option.None.ok_or_else(fn { 'oops!' })     # => Result.Error('oops!')


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fn pub move or(default: T) -> T {
  match self {
    case Some(v) -> v
    case None -> default
fn pub move or(default: T) -> T

Returns the value wrapped by Some, or returns default if self is a None.


Option.Some(10).or(0) # => 10
Option.None.or(0)     # => 0


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fn pub move or_else(block: fn -> T) -> T {
  match self {
    case Some(v) -> v
    case None ->
fn pub move or_else(block: fn -> T) -> T

Returns the value wrapped by Some, or returns the closure's return value if self is a None.


Option.Some(10).or_else fn { 0 } # => 10
Option.None.or_else fn { 0 }     # => 0


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fn pub move or_panic(message: String) -> T {
  match self {
    case Some(v) -> v
    case _ -> panic(message)
fn pub move or_panic(message: String) -> T

Returns the value wrapped by Some, or panics with the given message if self is a None.


Option.Some(10).or_panic('a number must be present') # => 10


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fn pub some? -> Bool {
  match self {
    case Some(_) -> true
    case None -> false
fn pub some? -> Bool

Returns true for a Some, false otherwise.


Option.Some(10).some? # => true
Option.None.some?     # => false


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fn pub move then[R](block: fn (T) -> Option[R]) -> Option[R] {
  match self {
    case Some(v) ->
    case None -> Option.None
fn pub move then[R](block: fn (T) -> Option[R]) -> Option[R]

Maps an Option[T] to an Option[R] using the Option returned by the provided closure.

The closure is to return a new Option. If used on a None, None itself is returned.

This process is sometimes referred to as a "flat map". Inko uses the name "then" because this reads more nicely when chaining multiple instances of this method together.


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fn pub move zip[O](other: Option[O]) -> Option[(T, O)] {
  match self {
    case Some(ours) -> {
      match other {
        case Some(theirs) -> Option.Some((ours, theirs))
        case _ -> Option.None
    case _ -> Option.None
fn pub move zip[O](other: Option[O]) -> Option[(T, O)]

Zips self with another Option.

If both Option values are a Some, this method returns a Some containing a tuple of both values. If either is a None, None is returned.

Implemented traits



impl Clone[Option[T]] for Option
  T: Clone[T]


impl Equal[ref Option[T]] for Option
  T: Equal[ref T]


impl Format for Option
  T: Format