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class pub enum Result[T, E]

A type that represents either success (Ok(T)) or failure (Error(E)).




The case and value for a successful result.



The case and value for an error.

Static methods


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fn pub static collect[I: mut + Iter[Result[T, E]]](
  iter: I,
) -> Result[Array[T], E] {
  let vals = []

  loop {
    match {
      case Some(Ok(val)) -> vals.push(val)
      case Some(Error(err)) -> throw err
      case _ -> break

fn pub static collect[I: mut + Iter[Result[T, E]]](iter: I: mut) -> Result[Array[T], E]

Collects values from an Iter[Result[T, E]] into a Result[Array[T], E], returning the first Error encountered when iterating over the iterator.


let vals = [Result.Ok(1), Result.Error('oops!'), Result.Ok(2)].into_iter
let result = Result.collect(vals)

result.error? # => true

Instance methods


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fn pub !=(other: T) -> Bool {
  (self == other).false?
fn pub !=(other: T) -> Bool

Returns true if self and the given object are not equal to each other.


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fn pub ==(other: ref Result[T, E]) -> Bool {
  match self {
    case Ok(ours) -> {
      match other {
        case Ok(theirs) -> ours == theirs
        case _ -> false
    case Error(ours) -> {
      match other {
        case Error(theirs) -> ours == theirs
        case _ -> false
fn pub ==(other: ref Result[T, E]) -> Bool
  E: Equal[ref E],
  T: Equal[ref T]

Returns true if self and the given object are equal to each other.

This operator is used to perform structural equality. This means two objects residing in different memory locations may be considered equal, provided their structure is equal. For example, two different arrays may be considered to have structural equality if they contain the exact same values.


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fn pub clone -> Result[T, E] {
  match self {
    case Ok(v) -> Result.Ok(v.clone)
    case Error(v) -> Result.Error(v.clone)
fn pub clone -> Result[T, E]
  E: Clone[E],
  T: Clone[T]

Creates a clone of self.


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fn pub move else[R](block: fn (E) -> Result[T, R]) -> Result[T, R] {
  match self {
    case Ok(v) -> Result.Ok(v)
    case Error(e) ->
fn pub move else[R](block: fn (E) -> Result[T, R]) -> Result[T, R]

Maps a Result[T, E] into a Result[T, R].

If self is an Error, the supplied closure is called and its returned Result is returned. If self is an Ok, the Ok is returned as-is.


let foo: Result[Int, String] = Result.Error('oops!')

res.else fn (val) {
# => Result.Error('OOPS!')


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fn pub move error -> Option[E] {
  match self {
    case Error(v) -> Option.Some(v)
    case _ -> Option.None
fn pub move error -> Option[E]

Converts self into an Option[E].

If self is an Error, a Some(E) is returned, otherwise a None is returned.


let res: Result[Int, String] = Result.Error('oops!')

res.error # => Option.Some(42)


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fn pub error? -> Bool {
  match self {
    case Error(_) -> true
    case _ -> false
fn pub error? -> Bool

Returns true if self is an Err.


let res: Result[Int, String] = Result.Error('oops!')

res.error? # => true


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fn pub fmt(formatter: mut Formatter) {
  match self {
    case Ok(v) -> formatter.tuple('Ok').field(v).finish
    case Error(v) -> formatter.tuple('Error').field(v).finish
fn pub fmt(formatter: mut Formatter)
  E: Format,
  T: Format

Formats self in a human-readable format for debugging purposes.


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fn pub move get -> T {
  or_panic('Result.get expects an Ok(_), but an Error(_) is found')
fn pub move get -> T

Returns the value wrapped by the Ok case, or panics if self is an Error.


This method panics if self is an Error.


let res: Result[Int, String] = Result.Ok(42)

res.get # => 42


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fn pub move map[R](block: fn (T) -> R) -> Result[R, E] {
  match self {
    case Ok(v) -> Result.Ok(
    case Error(e) -> Result.Error(e)
fn pub move map[R](block: fn (T) -> R) -> Result[R, E]

Maps a Result[T, E] into a Result[R, E].

If self is an Ok, the supplied closure is called and its value used to return a new Ok. If self is an Error, the Error is returned as-is.


let foo: Result[Int, String] = Result.Ok(42) fn (val) { val.to_string } # => Result.Ok('42')


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fn pub move map_error[R](block: fn (E) -> R) -> Result[T, R] {
  match self {
    case Ok(v) -> Result.Ok(v)
    case Error(e) -> Result.Error(
fn pub move map_error[R](block: fn (E) -> R) -> Result[T, R]

Maps a Result[T, E] into a Result[T, R].

If self is an Error, the supplied closure is called and its value used to return a new Error. If self is an Ok, the Ok is returned as-is.


let foo: Result[Int, String] = Result.Error('oops!')

res.map_error fn (val) { val.to_upper } # => Result.Ok('OOPS!')


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fn pub move ok -> Option[T] {
  match self {
    case Ok(v) -> Option.Some(v)
    case _ -> Option.None
fn pub move ok -> Option[T]

Converts self into an Option[T].

If self is an Ok, a Some(T) is returned, otherwise a None is returned.


let res: Result[Int, String] = Result.Ok(42)

res.ok # => Option.Some(42)


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fn pub ok? -> Bool {
  match self {
    case Ok(_) -> true
    case _ -> false
fn pub ok? -> Bool

Returns true if self is an Ok.


let res: Result[Int, String] = Result.Ok(42)

res.ok? # => true


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fn pub move or(default: T) -> T {
  match self {
    case Ok(val) -> val
    case _ -> default
fn pub move or(default: T) -> T

Returns the value wrapped by Ok, or returns default if self is an Error.


let foo: Result[Int, String] = Result.Ok(42)
let bar: Result[Int, String] = Result.Error('oops!')

foo.or(0) # => 42
bar.or(0) # => 0


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fn pub move or_else(block: fn (E) -> T) -> T {
  match self {
    case Ok(v) -> v
    case Error(v) ->
fn pub move or_else(block: fn (E) -> T) -> T

Returns the value wrapped by Ok, or returns the closure's return value if self is an Error.

The argument passed to the closure is the value wrapped by the Error case.


let foo: Result[Int, String] = Result.Ok(42)
let bar: Result[Int, String] = Result.Error('oops!')

foo.or_else fn (_) { 0 } # => 42
bar.or_else fn (_) { 0 } # => 0


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fn pub move or_panic(message: String) -> T {
  match self {
    case Ok(v) -> v
    case _ -> panic(message)
fn pub move or_panic(message: String) -> T

Returns the value wrapped by Ok, or panics with the given message if self is an Error.


let res: Result[Int, String] = Result.Ok(10)

res.or_panic('a number must be present') # => 10


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fn pub move then[R](block: fn (T) -> Result[R, E]) -> Result[R, E] {
  match self {
    case Ok(v) ->
    case Error(e) -> Result.Error(e)
fn pub move then[R](block: fn (T) -> Result[R, E]) -> Result[R, E]

Maps a Result[T, E] into a Result[R, E].

If self is an Ok, the supplied closure is called and its returned Result is returned. If self is an Error, the Error is returned as-is.


let foo: Result[Int, String] = Result.Ok(42)

res.then fn (val) { Result.Ok(val.to_string) } # => Result.Ok('42')

Implemented traits



impl Clone[Result[T, E]] for Result
  E: Clone[E],
  T: Clone[T]


impl Equal[ref Result[T, E]] for Result
  E: Equal[ref E],
  T: Equal[ref T]


impl Format for Result
  E: Format,
  T: Format