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class pub Poly1305

The Poly1305 universal hash function.

Static methods


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fn pub static hash(key: ref ByteArray, bytes: ref ByteArray) -> Hash {
  let hasher = new(key)

fn pub static hash(key: ref ByteArray, bytes: ref ByteArray) -> Hash

Hashes a message with the given one-time secret key.

This method is useful if you just want to hash a single message.


This method panics of the key isn't exactly 32 bytes long.


import std.rand (Random)
import std.crypto.poly1305 (Poly1305)

let key = 32)
let msg = 'This is a test'.to_byte_array

Poly1305.hash(key, msg)


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fn pub static new(key: ref ByteArray) -> Poly1305 {
  if key.size != KEY_SIZE { key_size_error(key.size) }

    r0: little.read_i32(from: key, at: 0) & 0x0FFFFFFF,
    r1: little.read_i32(from: key, at: 4) & 0x0FFFFFFC,
    r2: little.read_i32(from: key, at: 8) & 0x0FFFFFFC,
    r3: little.read_i32(from: key, at: 12) & 0x0FFFFFFC,
    pad0: little.read_i32(from: key, at: 16),
    pad1: little.read_i32(from: key, at: 20),
    pad2: little.read_i32(from: key, at: 24),
    pad3: little.read_i32(from: key, at: 28),
    h0: 0,
    h1: 0,
    h2: 0,
    h3: 0,
    h4: 0,
fn pub static new(key: ref ByteArray) -> Poly1305

Returns a new Poly1305 hasher.

The key argument is a one-time secret key to use for generating the hash. The key must not be reused for other messages.


This method panics if the key isn't exactly 32 bytes long.

Instance methods


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fn pub move finish -> Hash {
  if @block.block_index > 0 {
    let mut i = @block.block_index

    @block.set(i := i + 1, 1)

    while i < BLOCK_SIZE { @block.set(i := i + 1, 0) }

    compress(final: true)

  let mut c = 5

  c = c.wrapping_add(@h0)
  c = c >>> 32
  c = c.wrapping_add(@h1)
  c = c >>> 32
  c = c.wrapping_add(@h2)
  c = c >>> 32
  c = c.wrapping_add(@h3)
  c = c >>> 32
  c = c.wrapping_add(@h4)
  c = c >>> 2 * 5

  let out = ByteArray.filled(with: 0, times: TAG_SIZE)

  c = c.wrapping_add(@h0) + @pad0
  little.write_i32(c, into: out, at: 0)
  c = c >>> 32

  c = c.wrapping_add(@h1) + @pad1
  little.write_i32(c, into: out, at: 4)
  c = c >>> 32

  c = c.wrapping_add(@h2) + @pad2
  little.write_i32(c, into: out, at: 8)
  c = c >>> 32

  c = c.wrapping_add(@h3) + @pad3
  little.write_i32(c, into: out, at: 12)
  c = c >>> 32
fn pub move finish -> Hash

Generate a hash based on the current state.


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fn pub mut write(bytes: ref ByteArray) {
  @block.write_bytes(bytes, fn { compress(final: false) })
fn pub mut write(bytes: ref ByteArray)

Writes the bytes into the hasher.

This method is free to modify bytes if needed, so no assumption should be made about its contents after this method returns. If you're reusing the same ByteArray for multiple calls to write, you should clear the ByteArray after each call.

Implemented traits



impl Hasher for Poly1305