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class pub ObjectParser

A type for parsing an object with a known set of keys.



let pub @parser: mut PullParser

The parser this ObjectParser instance uses to process input.

Instance methods


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fn pub mut bool(name: String, value: fn (Bool)) -> mut ObjectParser {
  key(name, fn move { (v) { }) })
fn pub mut bool(name: String, value: fn (Bool)) -> mut ObjectParser

Parses the key name as a Bool, passing the parsed value to the value closure.


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fn pub mut float(name: String, value: fn (Float)) -> mut ObjectParser {
  key(name, fn move { (v) { }) })
fn pub mut float(name: String, value: fn (Float)) -> mut ObjectParser

Parses the key name as a Float, passing the parsed value to the value closure.


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fn pub mut floats(name: String, value: fn (Float)) -> mut ObjectParser {
  values(name, fn move { (v) { }) })
fn pub mut floats(name: String, value: fn (Float)) -> mut ObjectParser

Parses the key name as an array of integers, passing each Int to the value closure.


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fn pub mut int(name: String, value: fn (Int)) -> mut ObjectParser {
  key(name, fn move { (v) { }) })
fn pub mut int(name: String, value: fn (Int)) -> mut ObjectParser

Parses the key name as an Int, passing the parsed value to the value closure.


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fn pub mut ints(name: String, value: fn (Int)) -> mut ObjectParser {
  values(name, fn move { (v) { }) })
fn pub mut ints(name: String, value: fn (Int)) -> mut ObjectParser

Parses the key name as an array of integers, passing each Int to the value closure.


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fn pub mut key(
  name: String,
  value: fn -> Result[Nil, Error],
) -> mut ObjectParser {
  @keys.set(name, value)
fn pub mut key(name: String, value: fn -> Result[Nil, Error]) -> mut ObjectParser

Parses the key name as a custom value.

It's expected that the value closure parses the value, advancing the parser in the process.


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fn pub mut keys(
  name: String,
  value: fn (String) -> Result[Nil, Error],
) -> mut ObjectParser {
  key(name, fn move { @parser.keys(fn (key) { }) })
fn pub mut keys(name: String, value: fn (String) -> Result[Nil, Error]) -> mut ObjectParser

Parses the key name as an object without a known structure, passing each key to the value closure. It's expected that the value closure parses the value, advancing the parser in the process.


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fn pub mut parse -> Result[Nil, Error] {
  # We need to skip any leading whitespace such that the offset points to the
  # "{" and not any whitespace before it.
  # try @parser.skip_whitespace
  # let start = @parser.offset

  @parser.keys(fn (key) {
    match @keys.opt_mut(key) {
      case Some(func) ->
      case _ -> @parser.skip
fn pub mut parse -> Result[Nil, Error]

Parses the current object according to the rules in self.

When encountering a key for which no rule is defined, its value is (recursively) skipped.


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fn pub mut require(keys: ref Array[String]) -> Result[Nil, Error] {
  let mut found =

  try @parser.keys(fn (key) {
    match @keys.opt_mut(key) {
      case Some(func) -> {
      case _ -> @parser.skip

  keys.iter.try_each(fn (key) {
    if found.contains?(key) {
    } else {
      let pos = @parser.offset

        Error(ErrorKind.Generic('the key "${key}" is required'), pos),
fn pub mut require(keys: ref Array[String]) -> Result[Nil, Error]

Parses the current object according to the rules in self, while requiring the given keys to be present.

This method returns a Result.Error for the first missing key that it encounters.


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fn pub mut require_all -> Result[Nil, Error] {
fn pub mut require_all -> Result[Nil, Error]

Parses the current object according to the rules in self, and requires all keys to be present.

See ObjectParser.require and ObjectParser.parse for more details.


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fn pub mut string(name: String, value: fn (String)) -> mut ObjectParser {
  key(name, fn move { (v) { }) })
fn pub mut string(name: String, value: fn (String)) -> mut ObjectParser

Parses the key name as a String, passing the parsed value to the value closure.


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fn pub mut strings(name: String, value: fn (String)) -> mut ObjectParser {
  values(name, fn move { (v) { }) })
fn pub mut strings(name: String, value: fn (String)) -> mut ObjectParser

Parses the key name as an array of strings, passing each String to the value closure.


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fn pub mut values(
  name: String,
  value: fn -> Result[Nil, Error],
) -> mut ObjectParser {
  key(name, fn move { @parser.values(fn { }) })
fn pub mut values(name: String, value: fn -> Result[Nil, Error]) -> mut ObjectParser

Parses the key name as an array of arbitrary values, using the value closure to parse the values and advance the parser.