class pub Plain[T: mut + Write]
A test reporter that prints results in a simple text based format.
Static methods
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fn pub static new(out: T, colors: Bool) -> Plain[T] {
Plain(out: out, tests: 0, failed: [], colors: colors)
fn pub static new(out: T: mut, colors: Bool) -> Plain[T: mut]
Returns a new reporter that writes to the given output stream.
Instance methods
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fn pub mut failed(test: Test) {
@tests += 1
fn pub mut failed(test: Test)
Reports a test that failed.
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fn pub move finished(duration: Duration, seed: Int) -> Bool {
if @failed.size > 0 {
@failed.iter.each_with_index(fn (test_index, test) {
test.failures.iter.each_with_index(fn (failure_index, fail) {
let num = '${test_index + failure_index + 1}.'
let indent = ' '.repeat(num.chars.count)
${num} Test: ${}
${indent} Line: ${fail.path}:${fail.line}
${indent} ${green('expected:')} ${fail.expected}
${indent} ${red('got:')} ${}',
let decimals = 4
let dur = if duration.to_secs >= 1.0 {
'${duration.to_secs.round(decimals)} seconds'
} else {
'${duration.to_millis} milliseconds'
let failed = @failed.iter.reduce(0, fn (sum, test) {
sum + test.failures.size
let failures = if failed > 0 {
red('${failed} failures')
} else {
green('0 failures')
'\nFinished running ${@tests} tests in ${dur}, ${failures}, seed: ${seed}',
fn pub move finished(duration: Duration, seed: Int) -> Bool
Presents a summary of the test suite upon completion.
The duration
argument is set to the total execution time.
The seed
argument is the seed used to sort the tests in a random order.
If any tests failed, this method must return false
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fn pub mut passed(test: Test) {
@tests += 1
fn pub mut passed(test: Test)
Reports a test that passed.
Implemented traits
impl Reporter for Plain