Valuetype pub copy Time
A type that represents a point in time (hours, minutes and seconds) without a specific associated date.
Static methods
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fn pub inline static new(
hour: Int,
minute: Int,
second: Int,
nanosecond: Int,
) -> Option[Time] {
hour >= 0
and hour <= 23
and minute >= 0
and minute <= 59
and second >= 0
and second <= 60
and nanosecond >= 0
and nanosecond < 1_000_000_000
Option.Some(new_unchecked(hour, minute, second, nanosecond))
} else {
fn pub inline static new(hour: Int, minute: Int, second: Int, nanosecond: Int) -> Option[Time]
Returns a new Time
, provided the given components are valid.
The arguments must be values in the following ranges:
: 0 up to and including 23minute
: 0 up to and including 59second
: 0 up to and including 60nanosecond
: 0 up to but excluding 1 000 000 000
If any of the arguments are out of bounds, an Option.None
is returned.
The nanosecond
argument specifies the number of nanoseconds past the
import std.time (Time)
let time = Time
.new(hour: 12, minute: 30, second: 0, nanosecond: 0)
.or_panic('the Time is invalid')
time.hour # => 12
Instance methods
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fn pub !=(other: ref Self) -> Bool {
(self == other).false?
fn pub !=(other: ref Self) -> Bool
Returns true
if self
and the given object are not equal to each other.
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fn pub ==(other: Time) -> Bool {
@bits == other.bits
fn pub ==(other: Time) -> Bool
Returns true
if self
and the given object are equal to each other.
This operator is used to perform structural equality. This means two objects residing in different memory locations may be considered equal, provided their structure is equal. For example, two different arrays may be considered to have structural equality if they contain the exact same values.
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fn pub fmt(formatter: mut Formatter) {
let hour = hour.to_string.pad_start(with: '0', chars: 2)
let min = minute.to_string.pad_start(with: '0', chars: 2)
let secs = second.to_string.pad_start(with: '0', chars: 2)
let sub = nanosecond
if sub > 0 {
(sub / MICROS_PER_SEC).fmt(formatter)
fn pub fmt(formatter: mut Formatter)
Formats self
in a human-readable format for debugging purposes.
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fn pub inline hour -> Int {
@bits >> 12 & 0x1F
fn pub inline hour -> Int
Returns the hour of the day in the range 0
to 23
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fn pub inline minute -> Int {
@bits >> 6 & 0x3F
fn pub inline minute -> Int
Returns the minute of the hour in the range 0
to 59
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fn pub inline nanosecond -> Int {
@bits >> 17
fn pub inline nanosecond -> Int
Returns the number of nanoseconds after the second.
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fn pub inline second -> Int {
@bits & 0x3F
fn pub inline second -> Int
Returns the number of seconds in the range 0
to 59
Implemented traits
impl Equal for Time
impl Format for Time